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Little story from brave person

All life on planet Earth is born, grows, develops, grows old and then eventually dies. But anyway, the time allotted for the life you want to live efficiently. And to make this possible,
to have health, that is, it is necessary that all the organs and systems of a living organism working smoothly and fulfill them by nature, or God, function. As soon as a failure occurs in the work of at least one organ or system, a full life, however. Whether aching head or tooth - impossible to work or create. The pain distracts all attention to himself. Therefore, we can safely say that the most important thing and can be in human life is health.
However, while still going strong, this man does not think. Leads the kind of life I like, not really thinking about the consequences. And only when they get sick, then comes the understanding that there is no joy, do not want anything - only to be left alone pain. And that's not all. There are friends, and some, no matter how painful it was that even knowing that the condition is catastrophic, did not leave their bad habits. But it's a different story.

The bulk of humanity, hear the word health, thinks immediately of the physical body, forgetting about the spiritual and social. Health - in fact, it is not only a violation of the organs and systems of the human body, it is also a state of mind which even in greater degree than the lifestyle is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy - influence on the state of the physical body.
It may seem strange to a materialist line, which I'll write next, but it's true. The main factor determining the condition of the physical body, is thoughts.
On this subject, written numerous books and articles, but still this theory does not adequately understanding among the population of the planet. All diseases are explained only by external effects on the body. Person smokes, drinks, uses drugs — what kind of health we can say is... plays sports, eats right, keeps a healthy lifestyle, observe good personal hygiene - so it must be healthy. But, if you are observant, analyze events occurring with you or with others - friends and strangers (fortunately, now you can get information about almost any famous person), then you notice that the picture is not quite relevant to this statement.

I will take the most banal example: happy family, long-awaited child. All the family, from mom and dad to uncles and aunts, dust it blow away. This child has all the attention and toys and food right, and the rest... And... He's frail, cling to it with the most incredible disease. In a family of alcoholics, where that is not the focus, the piece of bread the child is not enough, it grows surprisingly quite healthy and strong. Paradox? The fact of the matter is that the causes of human disease lies much deeper than we are accustomed to thinking.
There are different types of spinal deformities that doctors explain and congenital muscle weakness and childhood rickets, and other causes depending on the type of curvature. Louise also believes that the spine is a flexible support in life and he suffered from feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

And so on for all the diseases. Consider the mental causes of most common diseases
Hair show the strength: when a person is scared, it creates tension in the skull, hair follicles are closed, hair begins to grow poorly and, as a consequence baldness.
The ears show a person's ability to hear or willing to listen. When a person observed some deviations in the condition of the ears, then there is in his life something that he categorically refuses to hear. As an example: children often hurt the ears due to the fact that it is very unpleasant to hear what their parents tell them.
Eyesas with the ears. People do not want to see something or in his life or in himself or around him. If you see a child wearing glasses, know that he is not all right at home.
Headache tells us that we feel humiliated, or feel a sense of inferiority. By the way, to get rid of a headache is very simple: think about what you feel is defective, or the nearest of the situation felt that embarrassed you — forgive yourself and offended and the pain will go away by itself without any pills.
Neck hurts because of our stubbornness, the unwillingness to accept another point of view. Be more flexible and you will never have a sore neck. The throat may be sore due to our inability to stand up for themselves because of shame to ask you really need.
Back hurt from lack of support. Basically, people believe that they have the support of family and relatives. It is necessary to rely on the support of Higher powers and the Universe — and then back problems will not be.
Lungs begin to fail, if man is unwilling or afraid to live life to the fullest, or thinks has no right to it. Those who smoke, hiding behind this bad habit is the feeling of inferiority.
The chest is a symbol of motherhood, care. If there are problems with the Breasts, then the person in your care is literally strangling another person, or overly trying to change events or situations in life as he sees fit. Breast cancer says on excessive accumulated resentment or anger.
Heart is, of course, love. Blood represents joy in life. If there is no life of love or he doesn't feel it, the heart shrinks, becomes literally cold, that the blood begins to flow slowly. The result is anemia, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, etc.

The stomach shows how a person is able to digest new ideas or situations. As the most obvious example: flying in airplanes. Probably many people remember the loved ones stories about how scary it was to fly in the aircraft as they became ill. In the beginning, when flying was a novelty, almost all the passengers had problems with the stomach. Now the planes also have packages in case the person will be bad, but nowadays no one uses or almost none.
Gastric ulcer occurs in those who cannot digest what he is trying to please a superior, whether supervisor or teacher. Love yourself just as you are.
Diseases of the bladder, back passage or genitals say that one feels shame about these aranow. Change the attitude towards them: the anus or genitals have the same value, such as eyes, hands or feet.
Ovaries – the problem with them is the unrealized creativity. Legs – reluctance to move forward or to where you demand to moving circumstances.
Accidents we create too yourself: angry, annoyed, want someone to hit, to do something bad to the offender, revenge. The result — you suffer from accidents, as you know, is not accidental.

Rheumatism sore those who love to criticize not only others, but yourself. Asthma occurs in people too conscientious. For all the trouble they take the blame. Cancer is the accumulated resentment, the infinite frustration, despair and hopelessness, excessive self-criticism. We should really love yourself, only in this case it is possible to cure.
The extra weight speaks of the need for protection. Learn to trust yourself, life, refrain from negative thinking, and the problem of excess weight disappear by itself.
As you understand the health problems it is not what we suffer, what happens to us. The main thing - our thoughts, our reactions to events in our lives. We all are responsible for the health of the body, and the overall quality of our lives.

By the way, now and scientists are not so categorical in denying the influence of thought on the processes occurring in the human body on a physical level. Health physical depends on how the person relates to people on how to live in society, what is his thinking relates to the level of his life. Whether he could analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. And human actions on the physical plane, and his thoughts should co-exist in harmony with each other. Only by observing these conditions it is possible to maintain the health of the physical body and even if they are sick, changing your thoughts, improve your health or fully restore.
It happens quite often that the doctors are powerless in the face of illness and tell the patient's relatives that he has nothing to save — only, perhaps, a miracle. And very often, a miracle occurs.
In one hospital the girl was diagnosed with brain cancer and the doctors predicted a short life. But the prayers of my mother, and then daughter with her, the desire to learn true love was heard by God or Angels-Keepers. In the dream, my mom suggested that we need to pray the most Holy Theotokos. She bought an icon and despite the noise and strangers in the house, she continually prayed until the fever at all and then her daughter was getting better and better every day. The child is still alive and the disease does not remember. And it is only thanks to the prayers of his mother, to change attitudes towards others — a Higher power saw the changes in the man, heard her prayer and helped my daughter to heal. And a lot of these cases. Just not always people share their stories or are ashamed to tell, afraid that they will be misunderstood, fear of being ridiculed.
My dear, do not be afraid. Learn to love the whole world and in this world. And God will give you health for many, many years.
